New Delhi Held Grace-filled Easter Sunday Service

Immanuel Community Church in New Delhi held a grace-filled Easter Sunday service. Pastor Peter, the Representative of OA South Asia, preached a message entitled "The Resurrection Changes Everything" with passages from 1 Corinthians 15, Matthew 28 and John 6.

He said that although Jesus performed a miracle in John 6 for 5000 followers yet later in the chapter in verse 66 it is written many deserted him. Once Jesus was arrested, even His disciples fled. When Jesus was tortured, they denied or disowned him. At the crucifixion, there were no disciples except for John, whom the Lord loved. The reason was that they didn't understand that there would be resurrection. The disciples displayed cowardliness, timidity and embarrassment.

Later, however, the eyes of some disciples who were walking with the Lord toward Emmaus were opened to recognize Jesus as they broke bread. Once they understood about resurrection, they didn't look back. In looking the lives of Jesus' main disciples, there was a significant shift, to the point where it is said they were all martyred for their unwavering faith in the Lord.

Pastor Beita closed by urging all the congregants to deeply understand the resurrection of Jesus.