New Delhi Church Holds Grace-filled Service for New Year

Immanuel Community Church in New Delhi held a special worship service on the first day of the new year. Congregants were blessed by sermon with a variety of worship dance, special songs, and skits from the Church.

The sermon's theme was taken from 1 John 4:8. The preacher emphasized and encouraged everyone to walk with the Lord and challenge themselves to seek breakthrough, restoration, and revival in the mission field.

The day included a worship service and Sunday school for children. The congregants focused on praising the Lord who saved us with His precious blood.

"Like the first day [which is] firmly in the hands of God, the new year will be an abundant year in which many miracles will happen in New Delhi," Pastor Peter said.  

New Delhi Leaders said they are preparing to sow seeds of the gospel through various outreach programs and gatherings to welcome many local residents.