Missionary Delivered Food to Children in Hawasa

As missionary in Ethiopia was visiting Hawasa, she delivered foods to the kids and women around that area. During the drought season, people are suffering from hunger and thirst physically. So with small fund gathered, missionary was trying to do what she can for the people she could reach.   

Only 65% of rural households in Ethiopia consume the World Health Organization's minimum standard of food per day (2,200 kilocalories), with 42% of children under 5 years old being underweight.

Most poor families (75%) share their sleeping quarters with livestock, and 40% of children sleep on the floor, where nighttime temperatures average 5 degrees Celsius in the cold season. The average family size is six or seven, living in a 30-square-meter mud and thatch hut, with less than two hectares of land to cultivate. These living conditions are deplorable, but are the daily lives of peasant associations.