India's Leadership Institute to Train Students from Orphanage Home

A number of students and youngsters from the Orphanage Home, a ministry of Olivet Assembly of India, in Odhisa-Andhra Pradesh state border have been recommended to study under Indian Christian Leadership Institute (ICLI).

The top students at the orphanage will be accepted into the ICLI to receive training so that they may be able to work anywhere in the country for God's glory. 

Orphanage Home accomodates children of all ages and some have even finished junior high school and some have finished diploma in certain studies as well. 

"If those grown up boys and girls are trained well, they could participate in various ministry works in the country according to their calling from the Lord," said an OA India leader.

"The Orphanage home will become a place of blessing and many good future leaders can be raised from here. We are thankful to God and our leaders for opening up such way of receiving blessings for our country," said the director of ICLI.