WOA Prepares for 27th General Assembly, Invites Thousands of Delegates

The 27th World General Assembly committee has reported the ongoing progress of the event preparation. The registration for all invited delegates and special participants will be finalized this week. 

The annual assembly this year is held with the theme, "Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, I am sending you." (John 20:21) 

Thousands of delegates from a variety of ministries and member bodies will gather to reaffirm the mission and to pronounce the vision of the coming year.

The regular committee meeting shared the report covering current progress of all departments. 

The plenary meeting in the event includes opening, closing, anniversary services, keynote addresses, ministry presentations and more. Other schedules will group the participants according to the respective purpose of each program. 

Other details including general logistics were also reported. 

In the final stage before the event, prayer is to complete every preparation to make the 27th World General Assembly to fully glorify the Lord.