Jubilee World Publishes 'Praise Book 120' with Selected Worship Songs

"Jubilee Praise Book 120", the second edition created by Jubilee's World's worship department, was published. The newest edition was released in July, 2019, showcased during Jubilee World's 17th General Assembly. 

The second edition is a revised version based on the feedback on the first edition. The new edition added 123 songs that are timeless and well-known. Among those, thirteen songs featured original compositions created by Jubilee World. 

The new edition will be distributed at the event, World Olivet General Assembly 2019, which will be held in Dover, New York. 

Jubilee previously published "Arise, Shine" in 2006 to serve OA churches and para-churches with song books. "Jubilee Praise Book 120" was crafted with a new format to fulfill the purpose of offering holy and high-quality worship services. 

Songs with theologically proper and graceful lyrics were selected, and book-binding choice was reconsidered for musicians' convenience. 

Jubilee World prays that this new worship resource can be a blessing to more churches and fellowships worldwide.