Faith & Family Foundation Offers Wives and Mothers Workshop Series Focusing on Renewing Faith in Christ

Faith & Family Foundation (FFF), a ministry of World Olivet Assembly, kicked off an eight-week wives and mother lecture series aimed at refreshing women's identity and faith in Christ and their unique role within marriage and family. Amid the many distractions of life and especially now with the ongoing pandemic and the social isolation it brought, the series offers women an opportunity to refresh their faith, reconnect with God, listen to His Word and connect with other women who often experience the same challenges.

Due to pandemic restrictions, the weekly lectures have limited in-person attendance while most participants are listening online. However, Faith & Family staff also offer online counseling and encouragement throughout the week.

The eight-part series started off by renewing memories and the grace of the first moments in marriage when the couples exchanged vows before God and began the journey of building a family of faith with Christ at the center. The second topic looks at family worship and prayer at home, which is especially relevant in the current time of social distancing when many families are spending considerably more time together at home.

The coming weeks will then look at "the relationship between God and me" for those who have to combine faith, family and work; and overcoming weaknesses amid unfamiliar or particularly challenging situations, such as pregnancy, marital conflict, raising young children, and more.

Other sessions will help women participants more deeply understand husbands and also better understand children and their needs; they will also learn how to relate with the extended family and in-laws and finally how to support other women on their respective faith and family journeys.

A local FFF leader shared: "I am grateful that God allowed this precious opportunity to offer lectures for wives and mothers. They are so special and precious and God wants them to be strengthened and supported, so that they can build up their family strongly as wives and mothers rooted in Christ. It is my hope that the messages of these eight lectures will be a great encouragement to them."